Carrie and Trevor’s wedding at Shack in the Back in Odessa was one wedding I won’t forget! Ever since their engagement session, I have been waiting for their big day!
How they met, as told by the bride herself:
On one random Wednesday in 2015 I got a text message from my Best Friend’s Sister, Cynthia, telling me she found the Perfect guy for me. I told her I wasn’t on the market for dating, and minutes later I got a text message from Trevor. Ha! Come to find out she worked with Trevor and his Uncle Jason, and they had a whole conversation about me based on some of my pictures that were on my Facebook. After a couple of days of small talk with Trevor, via text message, we went on our first date! We decided on Red Lobster, which come to find out is on neither of our restaurant of choice lists, and a movie. I may or may not of been 45 minutes late to our first date, sorry Trevor. After dinner, Trevor walked me to my car and left for his so we could go to a movie in Midland where I learned he lived. Me, knowing very little about where things are located in Midland, had to google where the theater was, and when I looked up to reverse, found him sitting in his truck waiting to escort me. In that moment, I realized he wasn’t just any guy, he was a gentleman. Our first date ended well, awkward, but well. Little did we know it was the beginning of something beautiful. Weeks of small talk, dinner and movie dates go by and both of us were a little hesitant about this relationship. Nothing was wrong, we were just unsure of what we wanted and where this was going to go. He had just moved here from Amarillo, and started a new job with his Uncle, and I had also started a new job and we both were in a new season. A month or so into this, he invited me to watch the fights at one of his friend’s house. They were having a get together and he wanted me to come with him. So I did. We ended up riding together from Midland to Odessa to attend the fights and when we got there he went to hang out with his guy friends and the wives/girlfriends invited me outside to the porch to play Loteria with them. Well that turned into drinking games with his friends and a really good time. At the end of the evening we were leaving and some of Trevor’s guy friends were walking us to the parking lot of the apartments we were at and one of them told Trevor, “I don’t know how long ya’ll have been dating, but I’d marry that girl if I were you! She’s awesome”. We both laughed, but I got to thinking and when we were in the truck ( I drove) I asked him, “So what is this? Are we dating, orrrrr?” Him, being not so sober, said “Well yeah, I thought we were already dating?” Me, “oh…” We’ve been inseparable since, all it took was some liquid courage, a good time, and one very blunt question. Who would of guessed it.
How they got engaged:
A year and some change later, Trevor and I had small conversations about what we wanted the future to look like and had both decided we wanted this to last forever. We didn’t have any clue what that would look like, or any official timelines, we just knew this was something we both wanted for our futures. At the time I was graduating with my Master’s degree and wasn’t putting much thought to my future post graduation. I just wanted to graduate. haha Little did I know Trevor, our families and a few close friends were plotting a surprise. I was mostly oblivious, I just thought he was acting strange and never really thought much of it. Like there was this one night I was attending one of my final night classes and he asked me if my Mom was going to be home so he could go visit her. I reminded him I wouldn’t be there because of the class, and he was like okay cool, I just want to visit your Mom. Again, didn’t think much about it, they both got along great so I just assumed he simply just wanted to see how she was doing. Graduation Brain was in full effect. Then graduation came and went, we celebrated that and hopped on a plane with some great friends on our way to California! Best trip ever. The day he popped the question was the most memorable day of the entire trip for several reasons. That morning I had asked Trevor if I could use his Ipad so I could play music while we all got ready, Trevor hopped in the shower and I started the music. As I was starting Pandora, I had remembered we took pictures of the fireworks from Disney Land the night before and wanted to send them to myself because my phone had died while we were there. As I opened his photo gallery the picture of the ring popped up and I panicked! I closed the Ipad, threw it on the bed and ran across the hallway to where Kristina was. Alarmed, she asked me what was wrong and told her what I had just done. She told her husband and he made this long story up about how Trevor wasn’t proposing on this trip because he was afraid TSA would of found it and he would have to propose in the airport and so on. I’m not going to lie, I was relieved. Anyone that knows me knows I’m a planner, I have a hard time with surprises. haha Trevor gets out of the shower and I do my best to act normal, even though inside I’m nervous. I knew without a shadow of doubt that my answer would be YES, but my nerves needed time to prepare and adjust to the reality that this really was going to happen in the future. Ya’ll anxiety is a real deal. ha. So we all get ready and head to the outlets for some shopping before we head to the cocktail cruise we had scheduled for that evening. The day was perfect, the weather was nice, and before we knew it, it was time to get back on the road. By this time I totally forgot about the ring incident. The Cocktail Cruise people had a strict on time policy so we rushed and ran into 5 o clock LA traffic. It took us foooorever to get there and we almost got hit by a train..LITERALLY. But that’s a story in and of itself. #Ecoboost. We make it to the Cruise with minutes to spare,and they make us wait because THEY weren’t ready. haha. We get on the ship, and it was not what we were expecting. The food and drinks were terrible, and the boys kept leaving us to go off by themselves. Kristina and I were upset. Come to find out they had been planning the proposal the whole day and Josh had the ring in his pocket since we left the house that morning! Sneaky, Kristina and I had no idea. The sun starts to set and the boys come back and join us with this idea of taking pictures on the side of the boat. We follow them, Josh and Kristina are up first. We take pictures of them and then switch places. Still oblivious to what is happening and a little upset, Trevor grabs me on the arms and says, “Hey, I have a question!” I look at him likes he’s crazy because of the way he grabs me and the nervous look on his face. Then he pops the question. A little taken back, I accidentally tell him no. Whoops. Then I realized what just happened, take the ring from him, and say Yes as I turn away from him because my face is beat red. Poor Trevor. Anxieties ya’ll, anxieties. haha Everyone cheered around us and the Captain, who joined the party a little late, realizes what happened and blows the horn. It was so special. Marina Del Ray will always hold a special place in our hearts.
To Carrie + Trevor:
You two are such an extraordinary couple, you can definitely see the love in your eyes. I am so glad two amazing people found each other! Carrie, you made everyone in your wedding feel so special and loved. You took such a special day for you and made it even more special! Here’s to a great wedding and an even better life together!
I wish you a lifetime of happiness and joy! Scroll down to views a sneak peek from their amazing day!!
VENUE: The Shack in the Back
CAKE: Sonya Cortez
CENTERPEICES/ARC: Joe Don and Stephanie Carter
DJ: Ronnie Oh Gawd
MAKEUP: Kat Lopez
HAIR: Katrina Contreras
DRESSES: David’s Bridal
VEST/TIES: Men’s Wearhouse
STATIONARY: Shutterfly & Vistaprint